Mark your calendars for 4 December in Brussels, where stakeholders will gather at the POLIS Network offices to explore the future of airport access and passenger mobility during the first MAIA Workshop.

The first MAIA workshop is a stakeholder workshop — participants will dive deep into identifying airport access challenges and the role of mobility innovations in solving them. During this event, case studies will be defined and a dynamic exchange of ideas will be encouraged.

The MAIA partners will present the results of their first investigations in terms of airport accessibility state of the art. In the last months, they have appiled spatial analytics techniques to open data sources (e.g., Open Street Maps, GTFS feeds, etc.) to analyse current accessibility conditions in a variety of European airports. This analysis is now being enriched with desk research on the planned interventions for improving accessibility. The research includes a Delphi poll engaging experts from the External Experts Advisory Board and beyond. In the first round, experts are asked for completing and ranking the challenges identified in the previous research. The second round will happen after the workshop to confirm or infirm views shared in the first round.

During the workshop, the MAIA consortium will expose challenges observed and needs for improvement, as well as best practices and potential for collaborative learning. The audience will dive into sustainability aspects, as well as smart connections and user-friendliness.

This workshop is not exclusive to the MAIA’s stakeholder engagement group; the project does indeed extend an invitation to external experts who share their passion for redefining airport access and passenger mobility.

Save the date, Register, and Prepare to come along on this journey to reshape the future of airport access. Your insights and contributions will be invaluable in navigating the path forward.

Time: December 4, 10:30-16:00 CET

Place: POLIS office, Rue du Trône 98, 1050 Brussels


    Start timeEnd timeTopic
    10:3010:450- Welcome
    10:4511:151- MAIA Introduction
    11:1512:452- Challenges for airport accessibility
    12:4513:30Lunch break
    13:3015:003- The role of connected autonomous vehicles and Urban Air Mobility in airport accessibility
    15:0015:454- Workshop wrap-up